Fixing student HEIC submitted images

When creating an assignment that allows student uploads, particularly images, issues arise with Moodle reading the default file type iPhones use for images. (HEIC).

To prevent this:

You can put a note on the assignment with one of the following options for file conversion prior to submission: ( this option has a Chrome extension that will convert heic files to pdf automatically and is preferred)

To fix student submitted HEIC files:

  1. Download submitted .HEIC files.
  2. Open Converter App or Converter 365 Chrome extension.
  3. Drag heic files into converter.
  4. Download converted pdf files.
  5. Return to Moodle assignment and click View all Submissions.
  6. Next to Grade click the Edit dropdown and select Edit submission.

7. Drag the new PDF file into the submission box. AND click on the existing HEIC file and select delete.

8. Click Save changes to confirm the changes.

9. Repeat for additional students.