
Math Club
Our math club is an active group, hosting activities such as the Estimathon competition, the Annual Cornhole competition, hosting guest speakers, and the Annual Croquet grudge match versus the chemists.

The Victorious Centre Math Team – 2018

Centre is home to one of the first student chapters of the Mathematics Association of America. Centre also has chapters of the Association of Women in Mathematics and the national mathematics honor society Pi Mu Epsilon. This popular organization is a wonderful way for students to create, organize, and get involved with activities that are affiliated with mathematics.


Centre College PME Inductees 2019

Math Lunch

The math program gets together for an informal lunch gathering every other week. At lunch, the faculty and students get to know one another better as they discuss some interesting mathematical ideas one would not see in the usual curriculum. For information on Math lunch, click HERE

For timely reminders and the latest and greatest information about everything mathematical, contact Prayat Poudel We’d be happy to add your name to our “Math Enthusiasts” email list.