


Jaʿfar al-Sadiq: Sufi Saint, Shiʿa Imam, Sunni Teacher

[Under review]


Twelve Infallible Men: the Imams and the Making of Shiʿism

(Harvard University Press, 2016)


Najam Haider in BSOAS 79, 3 (Oct. 2016): 643-645

Malise Ruthven in “Memory of Oppression,” Times Literary Supplement (Jan 2018)

Adam Geiser in Religious Studies Review 43, 4 (Dec. 2017): 416

Zackery Heern in Journal of Islamic Studies 29, 3 (2018): 452-454

Alexander Khaleeli in Journal of Shiʿa Islamic Studies IX, 3 (Summer 2016): 377-378

Sophia Rose Arjana in Reading Religion

Sarah Savant in American Historical Review (April 2018): 661-662

Michael Cooperson in Shii Studies Review 2, (2018): 391-393

Nicole Correri in The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 35, 4 (2018): 56-59

Edmund Hayes in Journal of the American Oriental Society 138, 3 (2018): 879-882

Recipient of the 2016 World Award for Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Shorter Pieces:


“Ibn Shahrāshūb” in Encyclopedia of Islam, 3rd Edition (Leiden: Brill)


“Reading Stories of the Imams,” in Mizan Texts and Translations 02


Album Review: The Kominas, Stereotype (2015)


“Ibn Shahrashub and Shiʿi Rhetorical Strategies in the 6th/12th Century,”  Journal of Shiʿa Islamic Studies 5 (2012), no. 4: 441-454.


“Judge,” in Encyclopedia for Islamic Political Thought, edited by Gerhard Bowering, Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart, Muhammad Qasim Zaman, and Mahan Mirza (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012): 28-30.


“Remembering Fāṭimah: New Means of Legitimizing Female Authority in Contemporary Shīʿī Discourse,” in Women, Leadership, and Mosques: Changes in Contemporary Islamic Authority, edited by H. Kalmbach and M. Bano (Leiden: Brill): 345-362.