Hi all, Welcome to Cento Dear- The Cento’s first ever advice column for Centre College students! While this advice column isn’t exclusively for college students, I think it’s essential to have an outlet where we can ask questions and receive advice. I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of an advice column- especially in this digital age. Specifically with college students, I felt that an advice column would be a perfect addition to the Cento. Centre has been through alot of changes, as have other colleges across the country. Navigating college during a normal time is an adjustment regardless, but a pandemic is a whole other challenge. I’m hoping this column encourages students, and whoever is curious, to ask questions. Create conversations. Here are some of the questions I’ve accumulated so far. Enjoy.

My plants keep dying and I don’t want to buy new ones- How do I keep them alive?


I hope you don’t give up on keeping your plants alive. I believe the key to keeping plants alive is all about balance and regimen. Maybe it’s a talent, but I doubt that. Pick a day to water your plant and stick to it. Don’t water too much- don’t water too little.

I’m feeling disconnected from campus this semester- what should I do?


I think college can be a very isolating experience regardless of who you are. To be a young person, surrounded by so many decisions, is a big experience. Where to eat. Who to eat with. Who to hang out with. Who to not hang out with. Especially at a smaller school like Centre, it can become incredibly polarizing. First off, I would say to not take yourself too seriously. We are still so young, and this experience will only be a small fraction of the years that make up your life. Second, I would say to start in the little moments. For me, whenever I’m feeling disconnected, I immediately want to counteract this by doing lots of things. Realistically, I think it’s best to start somewhere small. Maybe it’s eating with a friend. Raising your hand in class. Things that remind you that you’re a person choosing to exist. Regardless, good luck.

What’s the best frozen meal from Trader Joe’s?


This is an incredible question. I can’t give you a single option- so I’ll give you many. For those who don’t know, there is a Trader Joe’s in Lexington that is worth the 30-45 minute drive. This question varies but I find that there are some very reputable staples. The international section of the Trader Joe’s has some of the best microwave meals you’ll ever find and I mean that.

Should I date people on campus? Is it worth it?


I could tell you to not date anyone on this campus, but you could very well end up meeting someone great. My best dating advice is being open to experiences. A great friend reminded me once that when it comes to dating you are “buying, not selling.” I think this advice tends to always stick.

Have questions for Cento Dear? Submit to Cento Dear’s Google form here: https://forms.gle/RzhSda66e6ts5MZPA

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