Faculty serve a critical role in the lives of college students. Knowing when and where to direct students when they may need information, help, or resources helps foster a sense of community and encourages help-seeking behaviors to support the whole student.

If you have immediate or pressing concerns about a student’s well-being, please use the Student Reporting tool to Report the Student of Concern.

Student of concern

To report a Student of Concern, please submit the Student in Distress Reporting Form.

Center Learning Commons

The Centre Learning Commons (CLC) is an important initiative that expands and synchronizes the wide array of campus services that help all Centre students achieve academic success. Complementing and enhancing the personal attention and advising provided by faculty, staff, and coaches, the CLC is one of the many ways Centre is evolving to meet the growing needs of students in and out of the classroom.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center offers one-on-one consultations between students and trained peer consultants on a drop-in basis. Our consultants serve as friendly-but-critical readers.

Diversity Resources for Students

Centre Diversity Office (ODI)

Statement of Community

We pledge continuing efforts to build and strengthen a community enriched by our differences and founded upon our common humanity. Centre respects the right of all members of the community to express their individuality in a manner that is consistent with the dignity and welfare of others. Centre strives to create an environment where differences are celebrated rather than discouraged, where individuals have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share in the richness of mutual experience. By valuing the individual’s total character over any single characteristic, Centre will maintain its unique community.

Diversity Resources for Students

International Student Services

At Centre, our commitment is to enrich all of our students with worldwide opportunities, such as our study abroad or exchange programs. Centre actively seeks to provide opportunities for students from other countries to come to our college and welcome them into our college community.

Student Financial Aid

If students are struggling financially or have significant concerns related to financial issues on campus, you can refer them to the financial aid office to discuss their financial aid package.

Sexual Wellbeing

Create a Culture of Caring

SPEAC is open to all students who want to help our community prevent student sexual misconduct and promote sexual wellbeing. The group works with the College’s Title IX team in advancing the College’s sexual misconduct prevention awareness, education, and programming as part of the College’s comprehensive prevention framework.

Student Health Services

Centre students have access to a variety of health and wellness services.  Student Health operates by appointment only, no walk-ins at this time.  Evaluations by staff are free of charge.

Religious Life

The Religious Life Office can provide extensive information on internships, volunteer positions, mission opportunities, and career options in the areas of social service, mission, or peace and justice work.  Please feel free to come by for information, conversation, or inspiration.