The Afterschool Program

BY EMILY INNES – ART & LEISURE EDITOR The After School Program (ASP) is a campus-housed and student-led organization that serves educationally disadvantaged students in the Danville and Boyle County communities. The program is open to elementary through high school students, with most participants being ESL students. Centre students established the program several years ago…

Islam in America: Giving This Peaceful Religion a Face

BY OLIVIA MURRELL This past January during Centre Term, Dr. Matthew Pierce and Dr. Christian Haskett led a course on Islam in America. For the first week or so, the students engaged with some literary material regarding Islam. They began with some rich historical material regarding the long history that Islam has had in America….

Sick at Centre: A Roadmap

BY MORGAN UNDERWOOD – STAFF WRITER It’s 7:30 in the morning, you wake up feeling terrible and unusually tired, but you can’t afford to miss class at this point in the semester so you decide to attend anyway. Fast forward 24 hours later when you’re waking up again at 7:30 in the morning to puke…

Traveling Galleries: Students and Their Indelible Ink

BY COLLEEN COYLE – STAFF WRITER Few of us consider that every day we sit beside art acquisitions experts, students who can tell you everything and anything about certain works of art, specifically the ones they carry permanently. Small and large, tattoos grace the skin of many students on Centre’s campus, telling stories, carrying symbols,…

The Pinto Bean: Marksbury Farm

BY JASON PINTO – STAFF WRITER AND FOOD CRITIC Many Americans seem to have lost the satisfaction of eating something straight from the earth. The near vicinity of Danville offers a wide selection of food, that, while maybe tasty, is a gross abstraction to what a purist defines as “food.” Commercial fast food, Cowan, and…

One Hot Program

BY BECKY FULTON – STAFF WRITER Centre is known for its study abroad programs, but its glass blowing program is prominent as well. After just over 30 years, there remains one constant figure behind Centre’s glass art, H.W. Stodghill, Jr. and Adele H. Stodghill Professor of Art Stephen Powell. Powell began the program in 1985…

Panhellenic Party: The Sorority-Wide Tailgate

BY EMILY INNES — STAFF WRITER One of the Centre social scene’s most notable characteristics is its Greek life. The small school setting makes our system a little different than most schools, but the fraternities and sororities are known for their continual positive presence on campus. Throughout the year, the different organizations host a variety…

The Pinto Bean: The Coffee Bean

BY JASON PINTO — STAFF WRITER AND FOOD CRITIC   As a regular consumer of coffee, quality matters to me, and when I venture to purchase a cup of coffee from one of Danville’s selections, I want that cup to be worth the trip! Recently, a new coffee shop opened next to Guadelahill. Sweet Beans…

With Open Arms: Welcoming a Refugee Family to Danville

BY EMILY INNES – STAFF WRITER Last week, Danville and Centre College opened their arms and hearts to welcome a refugee family into the community. Many of you may remember the convocation last November where Barbara Kleine of Kentucky Refugee Ministries discussed the global refugee crisis. A Centre graduate, Kleine inspired campus to take action…