Here are the keys to this man’s vault

By MASON McCLAY – CENTO WRITER Let’s face it, the ability to fly is something we all long to have. Ask anyone for his/her most-preferred, classic superpower and the answer will understandably be, “I wish I could fly!” Unfortunately, unlike the potential opportunity of being bitten by a radioactive spider to grant you web-slinging powers, or…

When you’re drawn to that drama

By MASON McCLAY – CENTO WRITER “The entire process is creativity!” Professor of Dramatic Arts Dr. Anthony Haigh exclaimed, eyes filled with enthusiasm. “What about those students who have been exposed to and love theatre, but are unsure of whether they should pursue it as a major?” Haigh said. “Let me read you something.” Haigh proceeded…

His smile will warm your coffee

By ALEC HUDSON – STAFF WRITER Going to Jazzman’s is a daily ritual for many at Centre College. Whether it’s rushing to get a coffee before class or buying protein shakes after a workout, there never seems to be a shortage of customers. Part of this is because of the high-quality staff that works there, including…

If J.Crew met Ann Taylor

By DANA REYNOLDS – STAFF WRITER For many college students, fashion seems to take the back seat. With the goal of making it to class on time, many Centre students often overlook their wardrobe choices. But as it turns out the term “dress for success” does really have an impact on how people perform. Although at…

A message behind the melodies

By MASON McCLAY – CENTO WRITER Eyes closed, absorbing the rapid stream of electric guitar chords alongside a pounding drum rhythm and the resounding voice of junior Nicholas Teale, I begin to envision the landscape in which Teale’s concept album — a blend of heavy metal and classical — is being created. An intimidating stretch of…

A professor and his paint

By AUDREY JENKINS – STAFF WRITER When he’s not busy mentoring 60 student leaders as the Director of the Bonner Program, facilitating campus community service initiatives in his role as the Campus Director of Community Service, teaching biology as an Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies, or chasing after his one-year-old daughter Evy, Dr. Matthew…

Pondering about Philosophy

By Laura Humble – Staff Writer You are considering potential majors offered by Centre for that fateful day in March when you declare. If you like to ask the hard questions about life, about existence, about consciousness, about abstract ideas such as justice and mercy, then philosophy may just very well be the major for…

Attention: Will Strip for Art

By Audrey Jenkins – Staff Writer At a rate of $13-an-hour, nude modeling is easily one of the most lucrative student jobs on Centre’s campus. Although stripping down to “Run The Flame” may certainly appear to be a full-time job for a select group of dedicated Centre students, the Studio Art Department is still the…

Closing the “Book” for Seven Days

Staff writer Derek Beaven becomes “unplugged” from social media for one week By Derek Beaven – Staff Writer It seems that in today’s world, everyone is linked in to some form of social media, be it Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. New apps and platforms pop up every day, and there are always those individuals who…

Losing Its Famous Magic

By Dana Reynolds – Staff Writer Every Centre student has heard the rumors surrounding the Centre Seal, but are they really true? If you step on the Seal, will you really fail your next test, or is it simply a superstition that Centre students are too scared to test out? Junior Kristen Gallo does not…